Our Services
At the Andrew Foundation for Orphanage, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and support to orphaned children. Through our various services and programs, we aim to meet the basic needs of these children and create a nurturing environment where they can thrive.
Upcoming Events
Join us as we spread joy and hope, giving street kids the chance to discover their identity as children of God. Together, let's create lasting memories and make a difference
We provide a safe and loving home for orphaned children, ensuring they have a comfortable living environment where they feel secure and cared for.
We supply children with clothing to meet their basic needs, ensuring they have appropriate attire for all seasons.
Food Supplies
We ensure that children receive nutritious meals regularly, providing them with the essential nutrients they need for healthy growth and development.
Health Care
We provide access to medical care and ensure that children receive necessary vaccinations, treatments, and regular health check-ups.
Family and Community Support
We offer emotional and social support to help children cope with their circumstances and build positive relationships within our community.
Psychosocial Support
We offer emotional and social support to help children cope with their circumstances and build positive relationships within our community.